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If we consider friends to be the family we pick, it is reasonable to conclude that business partners are friends in whom we put our trust in to achieve business goals. We cooperate for common goals while respecting the individuality of each partner. Flexibility, variety, and agility are essential to growth and innovation.

For all that we have accomplished together whilst having a great deal of fun, we thank our friends:

We discover inspiration for new enterprises, innovative methods of managing existing ones, and fresh approaches for demanding markets in the partnerships we build.

For all that we have accomplished together whilst having a great deal of fun, we thank our friends:

Marcos Couto
from AMC
Sara, Tânia and João
from B+
Alberto and Alessio
from Fapim
Paulo Oliveira
from Nienor
Adelino, Carina, Manuelino, Gonçalo and Tiago
from Pervedant
from Technoform
Reserach and Development


We care to ensure the whole team and partners are aware of the quality imperative. From the ideation of a system to the moment an end user interacts with it, quality is central to the decisions that determine its design and composition. We believe that focusing on Quality and the Customer in the different phases and processes of development guarantees better products and encourages innovation and productivity.

We ensure Quality through careful selection and evaluation of suppliers and partners, appropriate training and development of teams, implementation of tests and final product quality control.